Monday, May 23, 2016

verga en mi ano

me encanta el fierro por mi ano y mas si es de un negrote mmmm k riko

Monday, May 9, 2016




Ex. A
1. C
2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. C

Ex. B
Researchers are concerned about to decline in bee colonies. Some blame hard winters. In a normal winter, the number of bees in a hive drops by about 10 percent. However, in recent years, beekeepers have seen an annual fall of approximately 30 percent in the number of bees in their hives. Some had losses of roughly 50 percent, and some even lost nearly 90 percent of their bees. Overall, the U.S, experienced a decline of more than 70% in its total bee population. However, this problem does not exist everywhere. In fact, globally, there has been an increase of more than 45% in the number of hives, and honey production has also risen by approximately 100% in the last 50 years.


Ex. B

1. One of the happiest moments in my life was having dinner in Italy with my husband. We were on a little island on a lake. And there were these musicians who were playing music. The moment when we watched the sunset was so romantic. I can't remember when I felt happier.
2. I think the happiest day in my life was celebrating 18th birthday and played volleyball on the beach. There were some other guys there who were playing a game , too, and and we played against them. They were really good, so the fact that we won felt really great. We've all stayed friends ever since, and when we get together, it always reminds me of that day.
3. My earliest happy memory was winning the school's spelling bee contest. I felt so proud as I stood there. Everyone in the audience stood up and clapped. And when I saw my parents' faces, it was the best moment. I stood on the stage for ages and didn't want it all to end.

Monday, May 2, 2016


If you rub body cream every day 3 times a day, you will have a very healthy and soft skin.
another tip for halthy skin is wash it with a special soap for skin.

To have have healthy and strong bones you have to consume vitamin d and eat foods with calcio like milk, cheese, yohgurts etc.

A tip for having strong muscles, is to eat a lot of protein and carbohydrates, this two you can find them in foods like eggs, chicken, fish, potatoes, rice and others.

Eat a diet rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E helps support brain health and can be found in milk, butter, eggs, vegetable oils, nuts, whole grains, wheat germ and dark leafy greens like spinach. Vitamin E is also available in a supplement.
Moderate your alcohol intakeThe liver can only process or break down a small amount of alcohol every hour. For this reason, men should limit their alcohol intake to two drinks a day while women should only have one. A standard drink is equivalent to one ordinary beer or one small glass of wine.


the continuous movement of blood through the heart and blood vessels, which is maintained chiefly by the action of the heart, and by which nutrients, oxygen, and internal secretions are carried to and wastes are carried from the body tissues.

A point of articulation between two or more bones, especiallysuch a connection that allows motion.

 one of a pair of vertebrate organs situated in the body cavity near the spinal column that excrete waste products of metabolism, in humans are bean-shaped organs about 412inches

The lungs are a pair of breathing organs located with the chest which remove carbon dioxide from and bring oxygen to the blood. There is a right and left lung.

Sinus is a sac or cavity in any organ or tissue, or an abnormal cavity or passage caused by the destruction of tissue. In common usage, "sinus" usually refers to theparanasal sinuses, which are air cavities in the cranial bones, especially those near the nose and connecting to it. Most individuals have four paired cavities located in the cranial bone or skull.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Hello Jesus

I'm very sad to see that having the ability to write well inn English your blog is almost empty. You have the writing exam and one more post. :(

Ms. Julia

Monday, April 25, 2016



My success story is aboout winning a gold medal in a natianal competition of karate.

It all started in june 2006, 10 years ago when i was 11 years old, i went to the national tournament of karate in Guadalajara, Jalisco. This is my biggest success in my childhood because i was the best one in my category of all the country. The best thing of everything is that i wasn´t a black belt karateca and my sensei tell me to participate with black belts because i was really good, and she was right because i won the first place in my category been a green belt karateca.
When i won the first place, people that was there didnt believed that i won the first place because i was a green belt, i remember that i started to cry of the emotion and then my sensei came at me to hug me and congratulate me.
At the day of today i still remember that moment because it was one of the best moments of my life and that teached to never give up and be a successfull person.


Sunday, April 3, 2016

FW: Assignment


Please do Exercises A, B, and C in a reply to this post.

Ms. Julia Garza

Everyday work on building your 
dreams, or others will hire you
to build theirs.

When I was 17, I wanted to go to college, but I didn't finish high school. I needed one more credit, so I decided to take art history at night school. It was great. I was always liking art - even before I took that course . The teacher was pretty cool. She played classical music in class. I guess that's when I learned to love Mozart. She asked us to write an essay on a famous artist, so I chosen Vincent van Gogh. I didn't start my essay until the night before I was due because I worked at my uncle's store all semester. I sat down to write, but I left all my art books at work. I only had a book of van Gogh's letters to his brother, Theo. Also I forgot to buy paper. So for my essay I wrote letters from Theo to Vincent on my mother's fancy writing paper! My teacher loved it. I leave till the last minute. It often works out!


1. It´s possible that
2. when i think aboutb it
3. anyway, getting back to my story,
4. looking back
5. so anyway


Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday March 14, 2016

Please answer the following questions in a comment under the post. Be sure your answers are in complete sentences.



Ms. Julia Garza


Everyday work on building your 

dreams, or others will hire you

to build theirs.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Last Rule and Tips

Rule 13: Comparative/superlative forms of words

Adjectives have inflections. That is, adjectives change in spelling according to how they are used in a sentence.


Adjectives have three forms: positive, comparative, and superlative.


The simplest form of the adjective is its positive form. When two objects or persons are being compared, the comparative form of the adjective is used. When three or more things are being compared, we use the adjective's superlative form.



brave, braver, bravest

happy, happier, happiest 


Note:   Words of more than two syllables form the comparative with more and most:


beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful.

resonant, more resonant, most resonate


Last few reminders

  •         Don't split infinitives (incorrect: "to slowly walk" correct "to walk slowly"
  •         Don't use slang (chirp) or clichés (cold as ice)
  •         Either goes with or; neither goes with nor
  •         When referring to a country, don't use "they" 
    Example: The US is the richest country in the world. 
    They have the highest GNP. (It has the highest GNP.)


Ms. Julia Garza


Everyday work on building your 

dreams, or others will hire you

to build theirs.

Monday, March 7, 2016


What I learned in class today?

Today in classes I learn 5 rules.
The first one was subject and verb agreement which tells us that the subject and verb must agree in number. 
The second rule is the Noun-Pronoun Agreement, which tells us that singular subjects take singular nouns and plural subjects take plural nouns.
The third rule that I learn today is the pronoun subjects and objects in which you must know when to use the words in the column on the left and when to use those on the right.
The fourth rule talks about the pronoun consistency 
The fifth rule is the correct tense in which you have to make sure the action is consistence
And the last one adjectives describe a noun or pronoun and answer three questions What kind?, Which one?, How many?






Thursday, March 3, 2016

Another Assignment

Please answer the following questions in the comment section of this post.


Ms. Julia Garza


Everyday work on building your 

dreams, or others will hire you

to build theirs.

FW: Assignment

Hello There! Please do the following assignment in the comment section of the post.


Ms. Julia Garza


Everyday work on building your 

dreams, or others will hire you

to build theirs.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

FW: Hello again

I have included a video of the song 'Thinking Out loud.

This song has four good phrases which are repeated through the song. Please find them, write them down and give the meaning and use them in sentences.

You will find the lyrics here:

Have fun! 

Ms. Julia Garza


Everyday work on building your 

dreams, or others will hire you

to build theirs.